Saturday, June 25, 2005

At Mounir

At Mounir
Originally uploaded by thesoundgirl.
Me with some of my classmates at a wonderful restaurant, Mounir, in the hills above Beirut.


  1. I loved the description of the foods--when you come home, if there were particular dishes you liked, we can learn how to make them.

    The appetizers are called mezze--and all through the Middle East/Eastern Mediterranean area, are extremely highly regarded, much more so than in France, Germany or Britain, where most American food traditions came from. You have to be careful not to fill yourself on them, they are all so good!

    Fruit is very important in the eastern Mediterranean countries/Middle East. Gardens are held in high esteem, and fruit trees are revered to the point of being sacred.

    Speaking of cherries--your husband, who supposedly hates cherry pie had some last night here, and was quite fond of it. I think he has just never had a really good one made with fresh cherries!

    I will keep reading here and commenting--good luck with your studies--it sounds like you are already doing fine!


  2. Howdy, Heather!

    While the comments Dan sends out are always cool, I'd love to see/hear more from you here. As you can imagine, I'm really interested in everything you're doing & learning.

    Now if I could just get Flickr to let me see the piccies big....
